I found a counterintuitive article on losing weight that commanded, “ Shut your mouth!” As soon as you announce to your family and friends about your goal to lose 10-15 pounds, the choir of voices sing a song against it. Looking for a book to read, I was stopped by the title: “The modern Temper” by Joseph Wood Krutch. The book was written in 1929 and talked about our human nature. The question that made me want to read the book was about why appreciating such writers as Sophocles or Shakespeare, we had no one for centuries who wrote anything as majestic as they did. As soon as you get an ambition to write the book of your dream, the same choir will sing a song against it. If we place any modern writing that was written after those giants, it would be like placing an egg next to the Great Canyon, trying to compare their qualities.Does it mean that our civilization degrades from generation to generation? Sever...