Cat and a mouse

     What a peaceful morning: I'm writing my new blog, and my cat Grishka is napping right under my desk near the window. Grishka is short for Grigori Rasputin.
     My Grishka is the nicest cat and doesn't deserve to be named after such nasty historic figure, who possessed occult power and even took over the Tzar's family in Russia, but it was hilarious to have such a controversial creature under control.
     The monitor on my desk seemed to be too close to my eyes, and I decided to push it away from me. Next second I hear the sound of something heavy falling down.  I checked on the cat and found Grishka looking at the wireless mouse next to him in full frustration. I couldn't help laughing. What an ironic scene... The mouse conquered the cat!
     The one, who laughs last is truly laughs - we say. The mouse was OK, but the whole BlueTooth system of my Mac crushed after that, even the keyboard failed. Now, I write this blog wired to my desk.


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