"Don't be an A-hole"

Instead of writing, I had to make a quick trip to Walgreens. There was no line, and I planned to get checked quickly to return to my writing.
Shantel–the QuickCare nurse–invited me into the room and went through all formalities. Then, he took my BP, my temperature, and placed a plastic device over my finger to measure my oxygen level. Everything was cool.
Suddenly, instead of taking me to another room, Shantel began speaking.
"I don't get it! Why all these Muslims, Jews, and Christians constantly fight? It's like they do not follow their Textbooks!"
I blinked out of surprise. At first, I wanted this visit to be over with. I wanted to know why my ears feel so full that I dont't even feel inspired to chew for not putting pressure on my teeth? Something in my gut made me listen. Shantel had no idea that I was sick and tired from people's fighting. More than anything, the church people, who suppose to be loving and forgiving, continued amusing me. I had no desire to go to church ever again. Hypocrits!
"Did you ever think about it? I can't help it, things like these bother me! Why people can't simply follow their textbooks? Muslims attack Christians, Christians attack Muslims, Buddhists, and Hindus. Then, they all look down at the rest of us–unbelievers."
I didn't comment. Wow! What a line! Shantel had no idea what he just stated! Obviously those "textbooks" were of a great reverence for this young man.
"It's like it is not written in their textbooks that God requires of all of us to live in peace, love, and forgiveness.–Shantel continued without looking for an approval.–I look at Muslims, and here they are pointing at Jesus Christ, as just a man, not God. Christians for them are sinners because they worship the creature instead of the Creator! Fine! Then, why do they worship their god? Was Mohammed not just a man? He was just like all of us–a sinner!"
It was interesting to observe the young man: he never lost his cool.
"Jesus Christ simplified all textbooks in the world into one short commandment: Treat others, as you want to be treated. One short commandment that no one gets! Christians are even worse: they share the same Textbook! Baptists attack Catholics, Catholics attack Baptists! Orthodox attack Protestants!"
Then Shantel lowered his voice, "The church is where all hypocrites gather once a week. You can find them all in the pews! I know people, who beat their children, abuse them, and then push them into a car and drive them to church. Then, they sit there for an hour, pretending to be holy just to continue committing the same sins right after the service."
That was not a punch line yet! The punch line came right after this: "To follow the Textbook, I invented my own religion: "Dont' be an A-hole!"
Shantel caught my look and explained, "It's just a shorter way to say what Jesus said. If all of us stopped being A-holes, what the world that would be!"
That was how one short visit to Walgreens restored not only my physical, but also spiritual equilibrium.