Diaper Attack!
American babies are as cute as any other babies in the world. The difference
with the third world countries is in diapers.
The convenience of American diapers was not even on my dream items list – I simply never used anything but cloth diapers, which I had to wash and iron. Even in the 1970’s and 80’s,
Eurasian women lived the lives of American women back in the 1930’s.
After holding American babies in their soaked diapers, I understood the difference - Russian babies are anxious to get out of wet underwear as soon as they start walking – who wants to have a wad of wet, cold cloth between their knees? Disposable diapers take this anxiety away from both parents and babies.
Now, when I have a granddaughter, I praise those who invented disposable diapers. The only problem with diapers that still keeps me on alert is when babies swim in the public pool with poop in their diapers. I have nothing against babies. This is more about parents. When I see a baby next to me in a pool, I jump out of the water, because we had our pool contaminated with poop more than once. It is a biohazard! I wish that apartment complexes posted warning signs similar to “Beware! Shark Attack” that I saw in Florida,
“Beware! Diaper Attack!”