Lacking Self-esteem? Have a Happy Period!
When I hear that some American girls and women lack self-esteem , I can’t help but wonder. How can a young American girl have low self-esteem or lack confidence in this country of abundance ? I never liked when my parents used phrases like “When I was your age, I walked to school five miles, under the snow.” I rarely tell my story because it starts very similarly, “When I was your age, I had no Tampax during my periods!” This is when I get the sympathy that my father was looking for but never received from me. It is easier to imagine walking on snow than a period without pads or Tampax. “That can’t be true! Everybody has Tampax!” “We did have pads, but we had to make them out of cotton ourselves.” “Were you poor?” One girl finally began using her brains. It didn’t matter how wealthy or poor we were - our drug stores were empty. It was a lucky day when you could get one or two rolls of pressed cotton or bandages to make those pads at home. Very seldom could we ...