Healing Stones

Thinking of my mother, who, as an immigrant, doesn't have any social contacts, but family, I want to share something about aging. My mother doesn't hear well and her mobility is limited. She doesn't drive and doesn't use the internet. Her phone conversations are short because she gets self-conscious, not hearing well. Teenagers might think that a life like that sucks! My mother was for a while devastated, thinking her life was over. For several years she was depressed focusing on her health problems mostly until one day she found a new passion of beading. The bright colors of stones from all over the world–jade, agate, corals–started the healing. She seeks for certain patterns in her rich past as a Russian language and literature professor–a dignified woman, who always strived for perfection–and puts all she was into her necklaces, proving with every necklace she makes that she still is. ...